Climate Truth
Climate realism based on science and facts.

12 Quick Facts About Our Climate
Earth's climate is very complex, influenced by many factors that are not fully understood. Based on data, here are some things we know:

Is Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Harmful to the Earth?
Carbon dioxide makes up just 0.04% of the atmosphere. Of that tiny amount of CO2, very little comes from humans. Most comes from natural sources like decomposition and plants. Solar activity and deep ocean currents have a much greater impact on our climate. Is CO2 harmful? No. CO2 is plant food. Plants need CO2 to grow. Before the Industrial Revolution of the 1800s, CO2 levels dropped dangerously low and plant growth was reduced by 8%. Higher levels of CO2 result in more plant growth and more food production. CO2 levels during the current geologic period are lower than during any other period of earth's history. Long ago, CO2 levels were significantly higher than they are today. Current CO2 levels help to give us a greener, healthier planet.
Are Temperatures Hotter Than Ever Before?
The climate naturally cycles between warmer and cooler periods. After WWII (1945-1975), the earth experienced significant global cooling while CO2 levels increased dramatically. Historical evidence shows that CO2 has little or no impact on temperatures. A look at the last 1,000 years shows longer climate cycles. It was very warm during the Medieval Warm Period (950-1250), while the Little Ice Age (1300-1860) was much colder. The overall warming trend we've been in since about 1860 is part of a natural cycle. NOAA deployed the Climate Reference Network across the U.S. in 2005 to collect more accurate data. But they continue to use the older, less reliable weather stations instead. The most reliable data shows that there has been no warming in the U.S. since 2005.
What About All These Disasters and Disappearing Glaciers?
Environmental scare tactics are not new. Over 250 scientific papers that warned about the threat of global cooling were published from the 1960s to the 1980s. They were all proven wrong. Why should we trust the same types of predictions that are made today? Major hurricanes and strong tornadoes are impacting the U.S. less often than in the mid-1900s. In addition, CO2 increases have contributed to decreases in drought and wildfires. Disasters simply appear to be more frequent due to technology and media. Glaciers grow and shrink for a variety of reasons. Glaciers have generally retreated since the end of the Little Ice Age around 1860. While ice is melting in the small Antarctica Peninsula, most of Antarctica has seen increasing ice and cooling temperatures.
Why Do These Claims Contradict the Experts?
The UN IPCC regularly releases doomsday reports. But the IPCC is filled with activists and is heavily influenced by political leaders who are pursuing a pre-determined agenda and have little interest in true scientific research. Sadly, the IPCC is far from objective. There are many documented instances of data being altered in order to fit the climate change agenda. Misleading graphs, biased computer models, and falsified numbers can be found in abundance. If climate change is occurring, why would this be necessary? Counter-intuively, this issue is harmful to science and to the world. Proper, unbiased research is not being done as it should. We are wasting money that could help solve real problems like malnutrition and improve our environment in common-sense ways.

People on one side claim the science is settled, refusing to debate while using name-calling to silence any who disagree.
People on the other side want to research and see where the scientific evidence actually leads, based on facts and history.
Don't let yourself be deceived by the consensus lie: 97% of scientists do not agree.
So, which side will you choose?

Only those afraid of the truth seek to silence debate, intimidate those with thom they disagree, or slander their ideological counterparts. ... "The debate is over" is a line that's used only by those who realize they would never win a debate. - Glenn Beck ("Common Sense", p. 17)

Short Introductory Videos on Climate Realism
Here is a series of short videos (around 5 minutes each) to help you learn about different aspects of the climate change debate:
(Click the icon in the upper-left corner of the video player below if you would like to choose a different video from the list.)

To explore further, Climate Clips offers their own series of short videos that explain different aspects of our climate.

The Last 100 Years
Consider how the climate has shifted back and forth over the last century (years are approximate):
Hot with large areas of severe drought (the 1930s "Dust Bowl"), but also with significant hurricane activity (1930s) and many landfalling hurricanes (1950s). The all-time record high temperature in 27 states still dates back to this period.
Cooler with lower overall hurricane activity; environmentalists were concerned about the threat of global cooling, especially during the 1970s.
Warmer with above normal hurricane activity, though less extreme than the 1930s-1950s. Just 8 states set all-time record highs during this period.
In terms of heat, hurricanes, tornadoes, and drought, the actual data plainly shows that our weather from the 1930s to the 1950s was worse than it is now. But you won't hear that from many in the news media. Why?

The Real Climate Change Agenda
There is a certain group of people who want to gain power and increase government control over our lives, and they are using the false narrative of human-induced climate change, coupled with our society's general ignorance of history, as they attempt to accomplish their goals. This has even been admitted by people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Greta Thunberg. Ponder this quote:

"The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it." - H.L. Mencken

Now, with that quote in mind, consider these three groups of people:
Convincing people that there is a crisis and that you know how to solve it is a great (though deceitful) way to gain votes and win elections.
Creating hype about weather events that are actually quite normal is a great (though deceitful) way for the news media to attract and influence viewers.
Some are seeking power, fame, and research funding. Those who do have doubts are reluctant to express their views because others who have done so have encountered great difficulty in securing grants and funding for research.

"But don't you have an agenda, too?" I simply have a desire for people to understand the truth, and I do not like to see people being routinely deceived. I am a longtime observer of the weather and a well-respected forecaster in my community. I earned a degree in Atmospheric Sciences in 2006 but have been observing and forecasting the weather since the mid 1990s. I make no profit from this website, similar to most people on my side of the debate. The other side is where the money, fame, and power are found. I have no interest in any of those things. I am solely interested in the truth. Still, I don't want you to take my word for it. I simply ask you to read the information presented here and do your own research.

This website presents evidence-based climate realism, as opposed to climate alarmism. Unfortunately, those on the other side of the debate tend to use emotional arguments while ignoring history and facts. Others--perhaps including you--have good intentions and get caught up in the excitement of saving the planet without fully understanding the debate. I encourage you to continue researching the issue with an open mind.

Begin Your Research Here
Please click the "Explore Sources & Data" tab at the top of the page to explore the topic further. There you will find just a small sampling of the massive amount of evidence that is out there; I encourage you to do further research beyond the information presented here.

The word "science" comes from the Latin word for knowledge. So research intensely. Seek knowledge. Don't blindly believe everything the news media and politicians may say. Study the issue for yourself until you are absolutely sure that you have discovered the truth.

You will find a variety of perspectives on this website. Some believe that people are having absolutely no impact on the climate, while others think we may have a minor impact. Still others question the data itself and put forth good reasons for doing so. Regardless of those differences of opinion, the overall theme here is climate realism. Climate realists have a desire to research the actual data, as opposed to climate alarmists who have already reached their conclusion and dismiss evidence to the contrary.
How to Address Climate Alarmists
When you encounter someone who believes man-made catastrophic climate change is occurring, ask, "Why do you believe that?" Here are some quick tips on how to counter their most likely responses in a brief yet informative manner.
If the person says... Respond with...
We are putting so much CO2 into the atmosphere. CO2 has varied naturally over time. There are periods in Earth's past when CO2 levels were much higher than what we see today.
CO2 is really harming the planet. CO2 is plant food. Higher CO2 levels actually result in more plant growth, more food production, and a greener Earth.
CO2 is really warming the planet. Based on the data, that claim is questionable at best. There have been times in Earth's history with higher CO2 levels and lower temperatures than what we see now. Even if that is the case, a warmer planet isn't a bad thing.
It keeps getting warmer, year after year. By the government's own standards, most of their temperature data is unreliable. The most accurate data shows little or no warming in the U.S. since 2005.
Temperatures are warmer now than they've ever been before. Other periods, such as the Medieval Warm Period, have been warmer. Currently, temperatures are still recovering from the Little Ice Age.
Droughts are increasing around the world. Media and technology allow us to see disasters more easily than ever before. Long-term trends show that the frequency of droughts has remained about the same or even declined slightly. And more CO2 actually helps reduce droughts by increasing soil moisture and water vapor in the air.
Forest fires are increasing around the world. Media and technology allow us to see disasters more easily than ever before. The number of worldwide forest fires has actually declined significantly since the 1970s.
Ice caps are melting and glaciers are shrinking. In some areas, glaciers are actually growing. Overall, they may be shrinking, but that has been going on since the end of the Little Ice Age and is not unusual.
Sea levels are rising. Sea levels are indeed rising, very slightly, and completely in line with normal trends. Along with glacier melting, this has been going on since the end of the Little Ice Age and is not unusual.
Tornadoes are getting worse. The number of tornadoes in the U.S. has remained fairly steady since the 1950s, but the number of strong tornadoes has decreased.
Hurricanes are getting worse. It is well-known that Atlantic hurricane activity goes in cycles of about 60 years. We are currently in a period of declining activity overall. Between 2005 and 2017, there was an unusually long period where no major hurricanes made landfall in the U.S.
More people are going to die from extreme heat. The frequency of extreme heat events, as well as deaths from extreme heat, both continue on a long-term decline. In addition, 15 to 20 times more people die from cold than from heat each year.
Polar bears are dying. Polar bears have survived periods in the past that were much warmer. In addition, the number of polar bears in the world today is at least 3 times higher than the number in 1960.
President Trump was foolish to leave the Paris Climate Agreement. Do you know what was in the Paris Climate Agreement? It was a joke. The U.S. made fairly significant commitments, but virtually no other country did. In any case, U.S. CO2 emissions have been dropping anyway, and have decreased by about 15% since peaking in the early 2000s.
97% of scientists agree, so it must be true. First of all, consensus is not science. Secondly, that research study was incredibly flawed by people pursuing an agenda. Of the 11,000 papers studied, only 0.3% actually stated that man-made climate change was occurring. The vast majority of those papers were neutral on the subject, yet were counted among the 97%.
Even if climate change isn't as bad as they say, some new government regulations can't hurt. Such regulations hurt the poor and working families the most, because they pay higher prices for the goods and services they need. California provides ample evidence of this troubling reality. Besides, several climate alarmists have admitted that their overall goal is to destroy capitalism.
I just want to help people and save the planet. Helping people is a wonderful thing to do! But giving money or time to climate change alarmists will only help them gain more money and power. You would do more good in the world by supporting food programs for the hungry, medical research, or common-sense measures that may help our environment in small but meaningful ways.